These are the sources of both inter-poem allusions (regular font)
and post-poem reflections (italicized font), and the notes at which
they are cited. The full citation of each source is given in the first
note not listed here in parentheses.
Agamemnon (76.5, 92,) 198
Alighieri, Dante
The Divine Comedy) 130
Inferno 1.66-69 (“not man once I was”) 12
Inferno 1.130-135 (“thou wouldst conduct me there”) 0.2
Inferno 2.1 (“embrowned air”) 61
Inferno 3.35-36 (“withouten infamy or praise”) 63, 131
Inferno 3.43-46 (“no longer any hope of death”) 63
Inferno 3.55-57 (“so many had undone”) 63
Inferno 3.76-78 (“upon the dismal shore of Acheron“) 430
Inferno 4.1-9 (“thunder of infinite ululations”) 321.5
Inferno 4.25-27 (“lamentations none, but only sighs”) 64
Inferno 4.41-42 (“without hope we live on...”) 64, 343
Inferno 5.61-69 (Tristan) 34
Inferno 20.34-42 (Tiresias) 246
Inferno 31-34 (ninth circle of hell) 68
Inferno 32.21 (“heads of...miserable brothers”) 61
Inferno 33.46-47 (“locking up the under door”) 412
Inferno 34.25 (“I did not die...”) 40, 126
Purgatorio 5.133-136 (“Siena made me...”) 293
Purgatorio 8:1-2 (“hour that turneth back desire”) 221
Purgatorio 26.115-148 (“a better smith”) 0.4, 428
Purgatorio 26.142 (“who weep and singing go”) 182
Paradiso 12.31 (“out of the heart of lights”) 41
Allston, Washington
Lectures on Art and Poems 417
Enuma Elis 0.5
The London Chaunticleres 427
Mawangdui Silk Texts 0.5
St. Augustine of Hippo
Confessions 3.1.1 (“cauldron of unholy loves”) 307, 308, 318
Confessions 10.16.25 (“I remember Carthage”) (45,) 307
Confessions 8.7.17 (“chastity ...only not yet”) 307
Confessions 8.12.29 (“take up and read”) (182,) 307, 365, 367
Confessions 10.6.8-9 (“I asked the earth...”) (26,) 307
Confessions 10.27.38 (“burned for ...peace”) (172.5,) 307, 310
Confessions 10.34.53 (“Thou pluckest me out”) 309
Baudelaire, Charles
The Flowers of Evil: Au Lecteur 76, 182, 430
The Flowers of Evil: The Seven Old Men 60, 259
Beaumont, Francis, and Fletcher, John
Philaster 28, 310
Bell, Clive
Since Cezanne (1922) 130
ben Sira, Jesus
The Alphabet 145, 167, 276
Bhagavat Gita
2:11(learned men grieve not...”) 40
Genesis 11:4-9 (Babel) 374
Job 8:13,17 (“roots wrapped about the heap”) 22
Job 26:14 (“who can understand?”) 321.5
Psalm 25:15 (“pluck my feet out of the net”) 310
Psalm 137:1 (“by the waters of Babylon”) (172.5,) 182
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (“time to every purpose”) 141
Ecclesiastes 12:1,5 (“remember thy youth”) 13, 23
Isaiah 32:2 (“shadow of a great rock”) 25
Isaiah 34:9-14 (“the lilith”) 145, 276
Isaiah 38:1 (“set thine house in order”) 182, 425
Jeremiah 2:13-14 (“broken cisterns”) 385
Jeremiah 33:13-14 (“I will shew thee...”) 27, 248
Ezekiel 2:1 (“Son of Man”) 20
Ezekiel 6:4 (“broken images”) 22
Ezekiel 37:1-9 (“dry bones”) 20, 186
Daniel 3:24-25 (“the form of the fourth”) 361
Matthew 5-7 (Sermon on the Mount) (172.5,) 310, 311.5
Matthew 13:5 (“stony places”) 324
Matthew 26:36 (Gethsemane) 322
Matthew 26:31-35,69-75 (“before the cock crow”) 182, 393
Luke 22: 39-45 (Mount of Olives) 322
Luke 23:44 (“darkness...until the ninth hour”) 68, 380
Luke 24:13-31 (Road to Emmaus) (46, 364) 366
John 9:25 (“was blind, now I see”) 219
John 11:26-35 (“Jesus wept”) 0.5, 182, 298
John 12:24 (“except a corn of wheat “) 306
John 12:27-30 (“a voice from heaven”) 321.5
John 13:1-17 (“wash one another’s feet”) 201
John 18:3 (“lanterns and torches”) 322
Romans 3:9-10 (“none righteous, no, not one”) 319
Romans 13:13-14 (“not in rioting...”) 307
1 Corinthians 15:37,42-44 (”that which thou sowest...”) 71
Philippians 4:7 (“the peace of God”) (432,) 434
Revelation 10:4 (“the seven thunders”) 321.5
Revelation 18:1-19 (“merchants of the earth”) 209, 248, 250
Bosch, Hieronymus
Hell 380
Bowra, C.M.
The Creative Experiment 200
Bradley, F. H.
Appearance and Reality 412
Brooks, Cleanth
The Waste Land: Critique of the Myth 330, 343, 380, 433
Buck, Gene & Ruby, Herman
The Zeigfield Follies 130
Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama
Adittapariyaya Sutta (The Fire Sermon) (172.5,) 308, 310
Buddhaghosa, Bhadantácariya
Visuddhimagga (The Path of Purification) (92,) 365
Budgen, Frank
James Joyce and the Making of Ulysses 130
Chapman, Frank M.
Handbook of Birds in Eastern North America 357
Chattaway, Thurland
Red Wing 200
Chaucer, Geoffrey
The Canterbury Tales 1, 141, 276
The Church of England
The Book of Common Prayer 0.5, 298
Conrad, Joseph
Heart of Darkness 1 (“barges drifting”) 272
Heart of Darkness 1 (the Congo) 266
Heart of Darkness 1 (“into the heart of darkness”) 41
Heart of Darkness 3 (“I want nothing”) 123
Heart of Darkness 3 (“the horror”) 0.3, 76.5
Heart of Darkness 3 (“a moral victory”) 298
An Outcast of the Islands (“wind, bringing ...rain”) 0.3, 395
da Vinci, Leonardo
Madonna of the Rocks 50
Dante see Alighieri, Dante
Day, John
Parliament of Bees 197
de Nerval, Gerard
The Loser 430
Donne, John
The Physician Is Sent For 30
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
The Brothers Karamazov (172.5,) 247, 367
Elgin (Illinois) Dairy Rep. 11/13/1920 18
Eliot, Thomas Stearns
After Strange Gods 167
American Literature (essay) 403
Andrew Marvel (essay) 141
At Graduation (172.5,) 258
Burbank with a Baedeker 167
A Commentary, Criterion, April 1934 42
The Four Quartets 0.5, 64, 306, 434
Burnt Norton 0.5
The Dry Salvages 0.5
East Coker 0.5, 68, 306
Little Gidding 0.5, 64, 306, 389
Gerontion 219
Hamlet and His Problems (essay) 417, 432
The Idea of a Christian Society 167
James Joyce, Ulysses, Order and Myth (essay) 419
The Lesson of Baudelaire (essay) 419
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 0.4, 42, 141, 198, 219
Notes Toward a Definition of Culture 167
Poems, 1909-1925 0.1
Portrait of a Lady 402, 403
Prufrock and Other Observations 42, 219
Reflections on Contemporary Poetry (essay) 331
Sweeney Among the Nightingales 198
Tradition and the Individual Talent (essay) 172.5
Eliot, Valerie (ed.)
The Letters of T.S. Eliot, Vol. 1: 1898-1922 0.1, 0.4, 42, 66, 92
The Letters of T.S. Eliot, Vol. 2: 1923-1925 0.1, 331
The Waste Land Facsimile (“F&T”) 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 69, 138, 139,
212, 219, 403
Ellman, Richard
James Joyce 131
Ford, Ford Madox
Antwerp 331
Frazer, James
The Golden Bough 0.2, 8, 10, 46, 55, 248, 378
Froude, James Anthony
The Reign of Elizabeth 279
Goldsmith, Oliver
The Vicar of Wakefield (182,) 253
On Nature 64
Hesse, Hermann
A Glimpse of Chaos 298, 367
Heywood, Thomas
Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels 26
Odyssey 11: 561-565 (Tiresias in Hades) 245, 248
Odyssey 19: 524-534 (Aedon and Itylus) 429
Huxley, Aldous
Crome Yellow 43
Jonson, Ben See Thomas Nashe
Joyce, James
Ulysses 111, 308, 376
Julius, Anthony
T. S. Eliot, Anti-Semitism and Literary Form 417
Kakutani, Michiko
Examining T. S. Eliot and Anti-Semitism 16
Kipling, Rudyard
The Finest Story In The World 209
Kyd, Thomas
Spanish Tragedy 432
Larisch, Marie
My Past 15, 18, 76.5, 111, 223, 253, 429
Lee, Blewett
Spiritualism and Crime , Columbia Law Review 59
Leyris, Pierre
Poémes, 1910-1930 380
London County Council
The Proposed Demolition of Nineteen City Churches 265
Lyly, John
Alexander and Campaspe 103
Mackay, John Henry
Anarchy 427
Marvell, Andrew
To His Coy Mistress 141, 185, 197, 235
Middleton, Thomas
A Game at Chess (76.5,) 137
Women Beware Women (76.5,) 137
Miller, James E.
T.S. Eliot's Personal Waste Land: Exorcism of the Demons 42
Milton, John
Paradise Lost 98
Nashe, Thomas and Ben Jonson
The Isle of Dogs 276
Metamorphoses 3.206-312 (Actaeon) 77, 197, 198, 248, 276
Metamorphoses 3.412-443 (Tiresias) (54,) 208, 218,
219, 243, 248
Metamorphoses 6.635-1053 (Philomela) (8,) 99, 198, 202,
209, 242, 253, 280, 429
Metamorphoses 10.256-323 (Hyacinth) (0.5,) 36, 39, 42,
71, 74, 76.5, 111, 125, 138, 176, 209,
214, 227, 311.5, 312, 323, 378, 429
Metamorphoses 11.616 (Lethe) 4, 214, 266
Metamorphoses 14.122-133 (The Sybil) 0.3, 55, 63,
76.5, 111, 253
Tristia 276
Peter, John
A New Interpretation of The Waste Land 42
Petronius (Gaius Petronius Arbiter)
Satyricon 0.3
Philebus 321
Republic 28
Timaeus 0.5
Pound, Ezra
Ode to Hugh Selwyn Mauberley 293
Sage Homme 0.4
The Spirit of Romance 0.4
Raymond, Ernest
Tell England: A Study in a Generation 200
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Inclusiveness 138
Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Confessions 182, 253
Fragment 95 221
Shackleton, Ernest
South: A Memoir of the Endurance Voyage (17,) 361, 366
Shakespeare, William
Antony & Cleopatra 2.2.190-208 (“The barge she sat in...”)
(8,) 77, 80, 111, 227, 280
Antony & Cleopatra 2.2.208 (“and what they undid did”) 293
Antony & Cleopatra 4.8.25-26 (“My nightingale...”) 198
Coriolanus 3.3.125-126 (every feeble rumour...”) 417
Cymbeline 2.4.66 84-94 (“her bedchamber...”) 77
Cymbeline 102-105 (“chaste Dian bathing”) (8,) 77, 197
Cymbeline 2.4.111-115 (“winking Cupids”) 80
Hamlet 1.1.127-138 (“Speak to me”) (0.2,) 112
Hamlet 1.1.156 (“on the crowing of the cock”) 393
Hamlet 1.4.57 (“What should we do? “) (0.2,), 131
Hamlet 1.5.32-34 (“duller shoudst thou be...”) 4
Hamlet 2.2. 202-203 (“Though this be madness”) 433
Hamlet 2.2.401 (“eyes like carbuncles”) 231
Hamlet 3.1.118 (“I loved you not.”) 92
Hamlet 3.4.128-131 (“nothing at all, yet all...”) 123
Hamlet 3.4.178 (“What shall I do?”) 131
Hamlet 4.5.70-73 (“Good night, ladies”) (76.5,) 128, 172
Hamlet 4.5.177 (“violets...withered”) 380
Hamlet 4.7.166-169 (“fantastic garlands”) 74, 214
Hamlet 4.7.164-181 (“ muddy death”) 8, 42, 172
Hamlet 5.2.348 (“The rest is silence”) 128
Hamlet 5.2.349 (“O, o, o, o.”) (76.5,) 128, 130, 172.5
Hamlet: Criticism of play 417
Hamlet: Source of play 432
Macbeth 4.1.3 (“‘Tis time”) 141
Macbeth 4.1.10-11 (“cauldron bubble”) 308, 318
Macbeth 4.1.1 (thunder) 321.5
The Tempest 1.1.1 (“tempestuous sound”) 321.5
The Tempest 1.2.376-405 (Ariel) 26, 111, 172.5
The Tempest 1.2.376 (Prince Ferdinand) 15, 191
The Tempest 1.2.376 (“come unto these yellow sands) 26, 48
The Tempest 1.2.384(“watchdogs”) 26, 276
The Tempest 1.2.387 (“cock a diddle dow”) 26, 393
The Tempest 1.2.388 (“Where should this music be?”) 26, 257
The Tempest 1.2.390 (“sitting on a bank”) 26, 182, 191
The Tempest 1.2.391 (“the King my father’s wreck”) 26, 191
The Tempest 1.2.392 (“music...upon the waters”) 26, 257
The Tempest 1.2.395 (“full fathom five”) 26, 167
The Tempest 1.2.398 (“of his bones are coral made”) 26, 186
The Tempest 1.2.399 (“those are pearls”) 26, 42, 125, 138, 312
The Tempest 1.2.403 (“sea nymphs”) 26, 266
The Tempest 1.2.405 (“ding dong bell”) 26, 291
The Tempest 2.1.82-83: (“Widow Dido”) 12
The Tempest 4.1.148-158 (“little life”) 7, 76.5
The Tempest 5.1.172 (“playing at chess”) 76.5
Shelley, Mary
Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus 182
Antigone 248, 276
Electra 197
Oedipus Rex 248
Spenser, Edmund
Prothalamion 176, 214, 266, 421
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Requiem 221
Stoker, Bram
Dracula 382
Sturluson, Storri
The Prose Edda 209, 219
Swinburne, Algernon Charles
Itylus 429
Tiresias 245
Symons, Arthur
The Symbolist Movement in Literature 430
Tennyson, Alfred Lord
The Princess 429
Thomson, James B.V.
The City of Dreadful Night 7
The Vigil of Venus 429
Turner, J. M. W.
The Golden Bough 0.2, 8
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 321.5, 400, 402, 412, 419, 434
Shvetashvatara Upanishad 0.5
Ramayana, Bala Kanda 396, 398
Verlaine, Paul
Parsifal 201, 202
Aeneid 1.198-207 (boosting the troops’ morale) 276
Aeneid 1.342-343 (Queen Dido introduced) 12, 70
Aeneid 1.456-493 and 6.14-31 (sequent pictures) 8
Aeneid 1.657-694 (Cupid) 80
Aeneid 1.684-685 (Dido poisoned) 34, 80, 293, 307, 388
Aeneid 1.726-727 (lacquearia) 92
Aeneid 2.506-558 (fall of Troy) 231
Aeneid 5.89 (yellow sands of Sicily) 26
Aeneid 6 (The Sybil at Cumae) 0.2, 0.3
Vold, Jonathan (as translator)
Au Lecteur (Baudelaire) 76
Dans le Restaurant (Eliot) 321
El Desdichado (de Nerval) 430
Āditta Sutta (Buddha) 308
Von Strassburg, Gottfried
Tristan und Isolde 76.5
Wagner, Richard
Parsifal 8, 201
Tristan und Isolde 8, 34, 42, 76.5
Götterdammerung 8, 266
Waite, Arthur Edward
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot 50, 51, 52, 55
Webster, John
The White Devil 5.4.96-105 (“keep the wolf far thence”) 74
The White Devil 5.6.311-313 (“an everlasting cold”) 44, 76.5
The White Devil 5.6.184-186 (“a thin curtain”) (306,) 408
The Devil’s Lawcase 3.2.164 (“the wind in that door”) (76.5,) 118
Weston, Jessie L.,
From Ritual to Romance 0.2, 46, 321.5, 378, 388, 425
The Quest of the Holy Grail 0.2, 34
Tristan und Isolde (as translator (Von Strassburg)) 76.5
Whitman, Walt (Leaves of Grass)
Memories of President Lincoln 1 (“When lilacs last...”) 2, 403
Memories 2 (“sprigs from the bushes”) 214
Memories 4, 13, 16 (“you gray-brown bird”) 357
Memories 6 (“the silent sea of faces”) 62, 322
Memories 6 (“the thousand voices”) 202
Memories 6 (“bells’ perpetual clang”) 289, 384
Memories 11 (“on the chamber walls”) 8
Memories 12 (“violet and purple morn”) 380
Memories 15 (“white skeletons”) 186
These, I, Singing in Spring (“wading in a little”) 214
Wilde, Oscar
The Sphinx 138
William Rider & Sons
Tarot Deck: Queen of Cups 50, 53
Yeats, William Butler
Upon A House Shaken By The Land Agitation 138
and post-poem reflections (italicized font), and the notes at which
they are cited. The full citation of each source is given in the first
note not listed here in parentheses.
Agamemnon (76.5, 92,) 198
Alighieri, Dante
The Divine Comedy) 130
Inferno 1.66-69 (“not man once I was”) 12
Inferno 1.130-135 (“thou wouldst conduct me there”) 0.2
Inferno 2.1 (“embrowned air”) 61
Inferno 3.35-36 (“withouten infamy or praise”) 63, 131
Inferno 3.43-46 (“no longer any hope of death”) 63
Inferno 3.55-57 (“so many had undone”) 63
Inferno 3.76-78 (“upon the dismal shore of Acheron“) 430
Inferno 4.1-9 (“thunder of infinite ululations”) 321.5
Inferno 4.25-27 (“lamentations none, but only sighs”) 64
Inferno 4.41-42 (“without hope we live on...”) 64, 343
Inferno 5.61-69 (Tristan) 34
Inferno 20.34-42 (Tiresias) 246
Inferno 31-34 (ninth circle of hell) 68
Inferno 32.21 (“heads of...miserable brothers”) 61
Inferno 33.46-47 (“locking up the under door”) 412
Inferno 34.25 (“I did not die...”) 40, 126
Purgatorio 5.133-136 (“Siena made me...”) 293
Purgatorio 8:1-2 (“hour that turneth back desire”) 221
Purgatorio 26.115-148 (“a better smith”) 0.4, 428
Purgatorio 26.142 (“who weep and singing go”) 182
Paradiso 12.31 (“out of the heart of lights”) 41
Allston, Washington
Lectures on Art and Poems 417
Enuma Elis 0.5
The London Chaunticleres 427
Mawangdui Silk Texts 0.5
St. Augustine of Hippo
Confessions 3.1.1 (“cauldron of unholy loves”) 307, 308, 318
Confessions 10.16.25 (“I remember Carthage”) (45,) 307
Confessions 8.7.17 (“chastity ...only not yet”) 307
Confessions 8.12.29 (“take up and read”) (182,) 307, 365, 367
Confessions 10.6.8-9 (“I asked the earth...”) (26,) 307
Confessions 10.27.38 (“burned for ...peace”) (172.5,) 307, 310
Confessions 10.34.53 (“Thou pluckest me out”) 309
Baudelaire, Charles
The Flowers of Evil: Au Lecteur 76, 182, 430
The Flowers of Evil: The Seven Old Men 60, 259
Beaumont, Francis, and Fletcher, John
Philaster 28, 310
Bell, Clive
Since Cezanne (1922) 130
ben Sira, Jesus
The Alphabet 145, 167, 276
Bhagavat Gita
2:11(learned men grieve not...”) 40
Genesis 11:4-9 (Babel) 374
Job 8:13,17 (“roots wrapped about the heap”) 22
Job 26:14 (“who can understand?”) 321.5
Psalm 25:15 (“pluck my feet out of the net”) 310
Psalm 137:1 (“by the waters of Babylon”) (172.5,) 182
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (“time to every purpose”) 141
Ecclesiastes 12:1,5 (“remember thy youth”) 13, 23
Isaiah 32:2 (“shadow of a great rock”) 25
Isaiah 34:9-14 (“the lilith”) 145, 276
Isaiah 38:1 (“set thine house in order”) 182, 425
Jeremiah 2:13-14 (“broken cisterns”) 385
Jeremiah 33:13-14 (“I will shew thee...”) 27, 248
Ezekiel 2:1 (“Son of Man”) 20
Ezekiel 6:4 (“broken images”) 22
Ezekiel 37:1-9 (“dry bones”) 20, 186
Daniel 3:24-25 (“the form of the fourth”) 361
Matthew 5-7 (Sermon on the Mount) (172.5,) 310, 311.5
Matthew 13:5 (“stony places”) 324
Matthew 26:36 (Gethsemane) 322
Matthew 26:31-35,69-75 (“before the cock crow”) 182, 393
Luke 22: 39-45 (Mount of Olives) 322
Luke 23:44 (“darkness...until the ninth hour”) 68, 380
Luke 24:13-31 (Road to Emmaus) (46, 364) 366
John 9:25 (“was blind, now I see”) 219
John 11:26-35 (“Jesus wept”) 0.5, 182, 298
John 12:24 (“except a corn of wheat “) 306
John 12:27-30 (“a voice from heaven”) 321.5
John 13:1-17 (“wash one another’s feet”) 201
John 18:3 (“lanterns and torches”) 322
Romans 3:9-10 (“none righteous, no, not one”) 319
Romans 13:13-14 (“not in rioting...”) 307
1 Corinthians 15:37,42-44 (”that which thou sowest...”) 71
Philippians 4:7 (“the peace of God”) (432,) 434
Revelation 10:4 (“the seven thunders”) 321.5
Revelation 18:1-19 (“merchants of the earth”) 209, 248, 250
Bosch, Hieronymus
Hell 380
Bowra, C.M.
The Creative Experiment 200
Bradley, F. H.
Appearance and Reality 412
Brooks, Cleanth
The Waste Land: Critique of the Myth 330, 343, 380, 433
Buck, Gene & Ruby, Herman
The Zeigfield Follies 130
Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama
Adittapariyaya Sutta (The Fire Sermon) (172.5,) 308, 310
Buddhaghosa, Bhadantácariya
Visuddhimagga (The Path of Purification) (92,) 365
Budgen, Frank
James Joyce and the Making of Ulysses 130
Chapman, Frank M.
Handbook of Birds in Eastern North America 357
Chattaway, Thurland
Red Wing 200
Chaucer, Geoffrey
The Canterbury Tales 1, 141, 276
The Church of England
The Book of Common Prayer 0.5, 298
Conrad, Joseph
Heart of Darkness 1 (“barges drifting”) 272
Heart of Darkness 1 (the Congo) 266
Heart of Darkness 1 (“into the heart of darkness”) 41
Heart of Darkness 3 (“I want nothing”) 123
Heart of Darkness 3 (“the horror”) 0.3, 76.5
Heart of Darkness 3 (“a moral victory”) 298
An Outcast of the Islands (“wind, bringing ...rain”) 0.3, 395
da Vinci, Leonardo
Madonna of the Rocks 50
Dante see Alighieri, Dante
Day, John
Parliament of Bees 197
de Nerval, Gerard
The Loser 430
Donne, John
The Physician Is Sent For 30
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
The Brothers Karamazov (172.5,) 247, 367
Elgin (Illinois) Dairy Rep. 11/13/1920 18
Eliot, Thomas Stearns
After Strange Gods 167
American Literature (essay) 403
Andrew Marvel (essay) 141
At Graduation (172.5,) 258
Burbank with a Baedeker 167
A Commentary, Criterion, April 1934 42
The Four Quartets 0.5, 64, 306, 434
Burnt Norton 0.5
The Dry Salvages 0.5
East Coker 0.5, 68, 306
Little Gidding 0.5, 64, 306, 389
Gerontion 219
Hamlet and His Problems (essay) 417, 432
The Idea of a Christian Society 167
James Joyce, Ulysses, Order and Myth (essay) 419
The Lesson of Baudelaire (essay) 419
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 0.4, 42, 141, 198, 219
Notes Toward a Definition of Culture 167
Poems, 1909-1925 0.1
Portrait of a Lady 402, 403
Prufrock and Other Observations 42, 219
Reflections on Contemporary Poetry (essay) 331
Sweeney Among the Nightingales 198
Tradition and the Individual Talent (essay) 172.5
Eliot, Valerie (ed.)
The Letters of T.S. Eliot, Vol. 1: 1898-1922 0.1, 0.4, 42, 66, 92
The Letters of T.S. Eliot, Vol. 2: 1923-1925 0.1, 331
The Waste Land Facsimile (“F&T”) 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 69, 138, 139,
212, 219, 403
Ellman, Richard
James Joyce 131
Ford, Ford Madox
Antwerp 331
Frazer, James
The Golden Bough 0.2, 8, 10, 46, 55, 248, 378
Froude, James Anthony
The Reign of Elizabeth 279
Goldsmith, Oliver
The Vicar of Wakefield (182,) 253
On Nature 64
Hesse, Hermann
A Glimpse of Chaos 298, 367
Heywood, Thomas
Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels 26
Odyssey 11: 561-565 (Tiresias in Hades) 245, 248
Odyssey 19: 524-534 (Aedon and Itylus) 429
Huxley, Aldous
Crome Yellow 43
Jonson, Ben See Thomas Nashe
Joyce, James
Ulysses 111, 308, 376
Julius, Anthony
T. S. Eliot, Anti-Semitism and Literary Form 417
Kakutani, Michiko
Examining T. S. Eliot and Anti-Semitism 16
Kipling, Rudyard
The Finest Story In The World 209
Kyd, Thomas
Spanish Tragedy 432
Larisch, Marie
My Past 15, 18, 76.5, 111, 223, 253, 429
Lee, Blewett
Spiritualism and Crime , Columbia Law Review 59
Leyris, Pierre
Poémes, 1910-1930 380
London County Council
The Proposed Demolition of Nineteen City Churches 265
Lyly, John
Alexander and Campaspe 103
Mackay, John Henry
Anarchy 427
Marvell, Andrew
To His Coy Mistress 141, 185, 197, 235
Middleton, Thomas
A Game at Chess (76.5,) 137
Women Beware Women (76.5,) 137
Miller, James E.
T.S. Eliot's Personal Waste Land: Exorcism of the Demons 42
Milton, John
Paradise Lost 98
Nashe, Thomas and Ben Jonson
The Isle of Dogs 276
Metamorphoses 3.206-312 (Actaeon) 77, 197, 198, 248, 276
Metamorphoses 3.412-443 (Tiresias) (54,) 208, 218,
219, 243, 248
Metamorphoses 6.635-1053 (Philomela) (8,) 99, 198, 202,
209, 242, 253, 280, 429
Metamorphoses 10.256-323 (Hyacinth) (0.5,) 36, 39, 42,
71, 74, 76.5, 111, 125, 138, 176, 209,
214, 227, 311.5, 312, 323, 378, 429
Metamorphoses 11.616 (Lethe) 4, 214, 266
Metamorphoses 14.122-133 (The Sybil) 0.3, 55, 63,
76.5, 111, 253
Tristia 276
Peter, John
A New Interpretation of The Waste Land 42
Petronius (Gaius Petronius Arbiter)
Satyricon 0.3
Philebus 321
Republic 28
Timaeus 0.5
Pound, Ezra
Ode to Hugh Selwyn Mauberley 293
Sage Homme 0.4
The Spirit of Romance 0.4
Raymond, Ernest
Tell England: A Study in a Generation 200
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Inclusiveness 138
Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Confessions 182, 253
Fragment 95 221
Shackleton, Ernest
South: A Memoir of the Endurance Voyage (17,) 361, 366
Shakespeare, William
Antony & Cleopatra 2.2.190-208 (“The barge she sat in...”)
(8,) 77, 80, 111, 227, 280
Antony & Cleopatra 2.2.208 (“and what they undid did”) 293
Antony & Cleopatra 4.8.25-26 (“My nightingale...”) 198
Coriolanus 3.3.125-126 (every feeble rumour...”) 417
Cymbeline 2.4.66 84-94 (“her bedchamber...”) 77
Cymbeline 102-105 (“chaste Dian bathing”) (8,) 77, 197
Cymbeline 2.4.111-115 (“winking Cupids”) 80
Hamlet 1.1.127-138 (“Speak to me”) (0.2,) 112
Hamlet 1.1.156 (“on the crowing of the cock”) 393
Hamlet 1.4.57 (“What should we do? “) (0.2,), 131
Hamlet 1.5.32-34 (“duller shoudst thou be...”) 4
Hamlet 2.2. 202-203 (“Though this be madness”) 433
Hamlet 2.2.401 (“eyes like carbuncles”) 231
Hamlet 3.1.118 (“I loved you not.”) 92
Hamlet 3.4.128-131 (“nothing at all, yet all...”) 123
Hamlet 3.4.178 (“What shall I do?”) 131
Hamlet 4.5.70-73 (“Good night, ladies”) (76.5,) 128, 172
Hamlet 4.5.177 (“violets...withered”) 380
Hamlet 4.7.166-169 (“fantastic garlands”) 74, 214
Hamlet 4.7.164-181 (“ muddy death”) 8, 42, 172
Hamlet 5.2.348 (“The rest is silence”) 128
Hamlet 5.2.349 (“O, o, o, o.”) (76.5,) 128, 130, 172.5
Hamlet: Criticism of play 417
Hamlet: Source of play 432
Macbeth 4.1.3 (“‘Tis time”) 141
Macbeth 4.1.10-11 (“cauldron bubble”) 308, 318
Macbeth 4.1.1 (thunder) 321.5
The Tempest 1.1.1 (“tempestuous sound”) 321.5
The Tempest 1.2.376-405 (Ariel) 26, 111, 172.5
The Tempest 1.2.376 (Prince Ferdinand) 15, 191
The Tempest 1.2.376 (“come unto these yellow sands) 26, 48
The Tempest 1.2.384(“watchdogs”) 26, 276
The Tempest 1.2.387 (“cock a diddle dow”) 26, 393
The Tempest 1.2.388 (“Where should this music be?”) 26, 257
The Tempest 1.2.390 (“sitting on a bank”) 26, 182, 191
The Tempest 1.2.391 (“the King my father’s wreck”) 26, 191
The Tempest 1.2.392 (“music...upon the waters”) 26, 257
The Tempest 1.2.395 (“full fathom five”) 26, 167
The Tempest 1.2.398 (“of his bones are coral made”) 26, 186
The Tempest 1.2.399 (“those are pearls”) 26, 42, 125, 138, 312
The Tempest 1.2.403 (“sea nymphs”) 26, 266
The Tempest 1.2.405 (“ding dong bell”) 26, 291
The Tempest 2.1.82-83: (“Widow Dido”) 12
The Tempest 4.1.148-158 (“little life”) 7, 76.5
The Tempest 5.1.172 (“playing at chess”) 76.5
Shelley, Mary
Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus 182
Antigone 248, 276
Electra 197
Oedipus Rex 248
Spenser, Edmund
Prothalamion 176, 214, 266, 421
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Requiem 221
Stoker, Bram
Dracula 382
Sturluson, Storri
The Prose Edda 209, 219
Swinburne, Algernon Charles
Itylus 429
Tiresias 245
Symons, Arthur
The Symbolist Movement in Literature 430
Tennyson, Alfred Lord
The Princess 429
Thomson, James B.V.
The City of Dreadful Night 7
The Vigil of Venus 429
Turner, J. M. W.
The Golden Bough 0.2, 8
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 321.5, 400, 402, 412, 419, 434
Shvetashvatara Upanishad 0.5
Ramayana, Bala Kanda 396, 398
Verlaine, Paul
Parsifal 201, 202
Aeneid 1.198-207 (boosting the troops’ morale) 276
Aeneid 1.342-343 (Queen Dido introduced) 12, 70
Aeneid 1.456-493 and 6.14-31 (sequent pictures) 8
Aeneid 1.657-694 (Cupid) 80
Aeneid 1.684-685 (Dido poisoned) 34, 80, 293, 307, 388
Aeneid 1.726-727 (lacquearia) 92
Aeneid 2.506-558 (fall of Troy) 231
Aeneid 5.89 (yellow sands of Sicily) 26
Aeneid 6 (The Sybil at Cumae) 0.2, 0.3
Vold, Jonathan (as translator)
Au Lecteur (Baudelaire) 76
Dans le Restaurant (Eliot) 321
El Desdichado (de Nerval) 430
Āditta Sutta (Buddha) 308
Von Strassburg, Gottfried
Tristan und Isolde 76.5
Wagner, Richard
Parsifal 8, 201
Tristan und Isolde 8, 34, 42, 76.5
Götterdammerung 8, 266
Waite, Arthur Edward
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot 50, 51, 52, 55
Webster, John
The White Devil 5.4.96-105 (“keep the wolf far thence”) 74
The White Devil 5.6.311-313 (“an everlasting cold”) 44, 76.5
The White Devil 5.6.184-186 (“a thin curtain”) (306,) 408
The Devil’s Lawcase 3.2.164 (“the wind in that door”) (76.5,) 118
Weston, Jessie L.,
From Ritual to Romance 0.2, 46, 321.5, 378, 388, 425
The Quest of the Holy Grail 0.2, 34
Tristan und Isolde (as translator (Von Strassburg)) 76.5
Whitman, Walt (Leaves of Grass)
Memories of President Lincoln 1 (“When lilacs last...”) 2, 403
Memories 2 (“sprigs from the bushes”) 214
Memories 4, 13, 16 (“you gray-brown bird”) 357
Memories 6 (“the silent sea of faces”) 62, 322
Memories 6 (“the thousand voices”) 202
Memories 6 (“bells’ perpetual clang”) 289, 384
Memories 11 (“on the chamber walls”) 8
Memories 12 (“violet and purple morn”) 380
Memories 15 (“white skeletons”) 186
These, I, Singing in Spring (“wading in a little”) 214
Wilde, Oscar
The Sphinx 138
William Rider & Sons
Tarot Deck: Queen of Cups 50, 53
Yeats, William Butler
Upon A House Shaken By The Land Agitation 138